Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Friday

Yesterday was Jeff's third Taxotere Chemo treatment. His blood levels were good - so they were able to proceed. Some patients blood count is all over the place - and if it gets too low they have to delay treatment. Next week he has a reprieve - no chemo. He handled the treatment well and as predicted the steroid they put in the I.V. is working its wonders. He slept well last night and was up and adam this morning - all prepared for the speech therapist visit at 10AM.

He told me yesterday that he hasn't stopped "fighting" and that was good to hear. He did tell me that he gets so "down" at times. I suggested he see the Psychiatrist at the Radiation Oncologists office and he has agreed. That is set for next Thursday. It's great that this facility offers this for their patients because most cancer patients go through a plethora of emotions. Needless to say I will have his hearing aids turned on to maximum.

Today is his third day of eating one container of Yogurt to hopefully clear up the Thrush infection he has in his throat. Hopefully we will see some headway in a week or two.

Have a great weekend.

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