Monday, March 30, 2009

Productive Monday

We had quite a rain storm on Saturday evening accompanied by lightening and thunder. We must have had a ton of pollen in the air because on Sunday the deck was all stained yellow. Even hosing it off didn't remove the stain. Today, while Jeff was resting, I pressure washed the deck after applying pool chlorine. Thank goodness all the stain was removed. I also used the opportunity to wash off all the lawn furniture. Chore completed.

Jeff had a restful weekend - but still was plagued with pain. Fortunately he has no chemo this week so he can regain some strength before starting again the following week. I did ask him today how he was and his only comment was he felt "down". That is so sad - I wish I could encourage him to feel positive. When you are DOWN to nothing... God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!

Have a great Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Getting a deck clean seems like such a satisfying thing to do. I spent all day, making phone calls, asking questions here, trying to find out answers there, etc. Sometimes, it gets very frustrating. You can't help wondering if you can't ever get a straight answer to a question. The answer, of course, is no. Putting one's self on the record (via email) is a no-no.

    Hope Jeff continues to feel better and sleep better. Sounds very good.
